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Latest National Universal Credit Roll Out Schedule released- the government has release a full national timetable of the rollout of the digital (full) service areas by job centre area.   Click here  to access the guide. (from our members' area)

At present, in most areas, only simple single job seeking claims are accepted for Universal Credit. The guide gives the dates when the government says all types of new claims will be taken(that would have previously been for the six legacy bene ts Job Seekers Allowance (IB), Employment and Support Allowance(IR), Income Support, Housing Benefit and both Tax Credits).


Nos. on UC- The number of people on Universal Credit as of 13 October 2016 was 401,852. Of these people 160,703 (40 per cent) were in employment.


Withdrawal of Housing Element of UC for Claimants age 18-21- 'This is forecast to save £100m over this Parliament.' (govt.)


LHA Cap to apply to all UC tenancies regardless of when they started.- Click here for a copy of our at a glance guide to Changes announced in the Autumn Spending Review 2016. 'LHA CAP-Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates in social housing. For general needs housing, the cap will now apply from April 2019 for all tenants on Universal Credit(regardless of tenancy start date), and to Housing Bene t tenants whose tenancies began or were renewed since April 2016.' The government has con rmed that there will be only transitional protection paid if clients take part in managed migration scheduled for 2019-2022(they say most won't).


How Well is RTI Working?- 'HMRC pass on PAYE data from employees, reported in real time, for Universal Credit claimants. This transfer occurs 4 times a day and the link has not suffered any issues that would have affected claimants in the last 6 months.'(govt.)


Book now for our updated Universal Credit and Housing Costs 2017 course and our updated Benefits Updater 2017 course which includes lots on the changes to Universal Credit.



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