An academic study researchers at Newcastle University is said to be the first systematic review on the effects of Welfare Reforms on mental health.
The conclusion states- 'We found that, on balance – based on thirty-eight observational studies in eight countries - policies that expand social security benefits are associated with positive mental health outcomes and lower inequalities, whereas policies that reduce or limit benefits tend to have negative effects. In particular, the reviewed evidence shows that austerity-style reductions to social security policies can have detrimental effects on population mental health, particularly for more vulnerable groups in society – groups who are also disproportionately being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. These findings should therefore be considered when developing evidence-based policy social security policies in order to ensure that the mental health impacts of such policies are fully considered, and so that future policies promote, or at least do not harm, the mental health of the most vulnerable groups in our society.
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