Latest PIP statistics show- 'There were 3.2 million claims with entitlement to PIP (caseload) as at 31 October 2023, a 3% increase on the number as at 31 July 2023....1.9 million claims are new and 1.3 million are DLA reassessments'
'The fve most commonly recorded disabling conditions for claims under normal rules are:
Psychiatric disorder (38% of claims)
Musculoskeletal disease (general) (20% of claims) Neurological disease (12% of claims) Musculoskeletal disease (regional) (12% of claims) Respiratory disease (4% of claims)'
57% of new claims are allowed, 100,000 decisions are overturned at appeals (70% of those heard)-
Most Mandatory Reconsiderations result in no change-
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